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The Shelter interviews! DeadXRadio and Afraid of the Dark!

Am late in posting these here, but better late than never! Below you can tap two interviews that I did to push THE SHELTER’s Film4Frightfest screening (get tickets here). The first was an audio interview with the crazy cats at Dead X Radio! It made for a very rock and roll type of sit down. The other is a more “serious” written interview with AFRAID OF THE DARK, Check them both out below! Back to The Shelter prepping I go! Expect more interviews to surface sooner than later!

What lessons did you learn as a film-maker during the writing, filming and post-production of ‘The Shelter’ that you feel you will benefit from when it comes time to direct your next feature?
 Ha! I could write a novel in terms of what I learned and am still learning throughout every stage of making this film. Hence, I’ll just say that although I didn’t expect my work on The Shelter to end with Post Production; nothing could have prepared me for the battle that lay ahead. Every step forward has and still demands much effort and most of them also cost money. Let me put it this way; The Shelter has been my full time job since January 2014 and I’m still waiting for my first paycheck. And I won’t even get into the emotional roller coaster ride this endeavor has been for me thus far. I’m definitely stronger and wiser for it. With that said; if I had to do it all over again…I would in a split second. – READ THE ENTIRE INTERVIEW HERE
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