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I talk The Shelter and its Film4 Frightfest screening with This is Horror!

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Go HERE, click FILM at the bottom then click on THE SHELTER to BUY YOUR TICKETS! 

Hey all, I recently sat down with THIS IS HORROR to talk about… THE SHELTER! What else 🙂 Here’s an excerpt:

How did the The Shelter story come about, and did you write it with any of the actors in mind?

On a cold winter night, I was going back home after a hockey game and came upon a homeless man sitting on the sidewalk. After giving him some money and walking home, I started thinking, “Who was that man?” – “How did he get there?” – “Where is he going?” Once home, I wrote those three questions down and the seed that would become The Shelter was planted. As for whom I had in mind for the lead character of Thomas? Well, he looked like Michael Pare when I was writing the script, no joke! Mike and I have known each other since 2008, hence yes, him eventually being cast as Thomas was a “meant to be” moment.

You can read the whole interview here!

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