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Trance gets rated…

Remember my “hot girls take a drug that turns them into killers at a rave” script TRANCE? I had forgotten. I wrote that one a lifetime ago, the film was shot in 2007 and it has been in limbo since.

Anyways, I just got the word that the movie got rated by the MPAA. It got an R rating (of course) for:  Bloody violence, language, sexual content and drug use. Basically what I do on weekends. A rating usually means they’re gonna release it soon. Good. I am looking forward in seeing it for more reasons than one. It should be noted that I was not involved in the production, I just sold my script and that was that.

TRANCE was directed by Brad Malone and it stars the lovely Dominique Swain, Jeremy London,  Brea Grant, Madeline Zima and Jessica Heap.

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