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Picture is locked on Billy Trigger, my random thoughts!

Yesterday, Director/Editor Christian Viel and I finally locked picture on Billy Trigger. I am elated with what we have and I feel like sharing some positive joo-joo.

First of all, I believe that Billy Trigger is the best film Viel and I ever collaborated on. His camera work is tops and his action scenes are bad and ass. This is also (surprisingly) the “meatier” flick we’ve ever done as the characters/relationships are fleshed out and layered. A result of the many re-writes I did on the script at the request of Executive Producer Berge Garabedian and director Viel and of the actors, who brought their own ideas and of course their own energy on set. For example, there’s a love story in the film that wasn’t really on the page, but that was born and took life on set due to the chemistry two of the actors shared (me being one of them).

I am also happy to report that our main cast owns it! Fred Williamson goes back to his Black Caesar roots with his nuanced performance here, fans of The Hammer will love this role! Anderson Bradshaw gives what is in my opinion his best showcase to date, his key scene with The Hammer was the tits! Meghan Gabruch is simply a revelation, local casting Agents should be beating down her door with axes, the girl’s got chops and then some! Matthew Bennett steals every single scene that he’s in and Pia Metni will make you fall in love with her. And I do all right in the film too 🙂

Moreover, the flick is an effortless sit down. You know you got a good pace going when you watch a rough cut (with raw sound/image and no sound effects) and it flashes by. I’m happy about that.  So there ya have it! Twas a long climb for all, but we made it. All that matters. I’ll speak for myself here; although my fight for this film is farrrrrrr from over, being that I am so in love with the final product, it will make battling for it so much more easier. Will keep yall in the loop! Peace!

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