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Diabolique Magazine interview me about The Shelter!

The fine folks at Diabolique Magazine recently interviewed me about my directorial debut THE SHELTER, starring Michael Pare, here’s an excerpt and read the whole thing HERE.

John Fallon has a number of terrifying screenplays to his credit – the newest being his thrilling directorial debut, The Shelter.  In a recent blog post, Fallon referred to his new script as being a “…different animal”, and in our interview, explained what it is about The Shelter that separates it from his other works:  “Well, everything you write has pieces of yourself in it, obviously.  But The Shelter is definitely the screenplay that reflects me as an individual the most. Not meaning that the script is the story of my life, but more in terms of the themes that are explored in the piece. They’re just very close to me. My passion for horror films, nature, using imagery to convey substance and my spiritual streak are all in there.”  Continuing he said, “It’s more psychological, dramatic and layered than the ‘tits, gore, guns, cheap laughs’ exploitation films- that I am proud of by the way- that I’ve written in the past. So it’s a very different type of project for me.

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