Shawn Knippelberg is the composer on The Shelter!
I met Shawn Knippelberg in 2012 when I showed The Red Hours and Deaden at the Dark Fest Festival in Kamloops, BC. We got along right away. I also quickly discovered how musically inclined the man was. He was as comfortable playing in a rock band as he was on the piano. He truly impressed me.
I remember at the time I told him: “I’m gonna use your music in one of my films someday”. So the first film that came along was BILLY TRIGGER; I initially wanted him to compose the score for the film, but it didn’t wind up going that way for varied reasons, hence he just composed a couple of songs for it. So when THE SHELTER came up, he was on top of my list to be its composer for 3 reasons: His talent, we had similar backgrounds, we got along, which always makes working with somebody MUCH easier.
THE SHELTER is a particular beast and as much as I needed a producer, a DP and a lead actor that “got it”, I also needed a composer that “got it”. Shawn read the script and I showed him some footage, we talked about it and yup, he got it. So I am happy to report that Shawn Knippelberg is the composer on THE SHELTER. I am looking forward in going down that road with you bro; I expect nothing less than GENIUS coming out of it.