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The Shelter Film4 FrightFest screening date/time and first review of the film by AICN!

Things are finally starting to inch forward with my directional debut THE SHELTER. That’s actually one thing that I learned for myself recently; even if things are moving forward at a sedated snail’s pace, they are STILL moving forward, hence should be recognized as progress. For the last 6 months I wasn’t thinking that way. I was getting somewhat frustrated by the lack of results in light of my constant non-stop, daily efforts. But I get it now – inch, by inch – that’s how it’s going down –  must crank perseverance dial to “through the roof”. 10-4! Roger that!

So as mentioned here, THE SHELTER will premiere at FILM4 FRIGHTFEST and now we have the date and time of said screening Friday August at 8:40PM. See the FrightFest SHELTER PAGE HERE! Hope to see you there! I’m planning to bring some Shelter schwag to give away at the screening.

And while we’re talking good news, famous film site AINT IT COOL NEWS aka AICN reviewed the film (fairly at that) last Friday. I’m not gonna BS y’all, I was beaming after that review! That jolt of positive energy was much welcome.  Here’s an excerpt!

“Writer/director John Fallon conveys this theme of loss and regret clearly and expertly. Sure, that makes for the exact opposite of the feel good movie of the year, but it does make for a pretty fantastic character study of a man who has crumbled to almost nothing.Pare really gives it his all here, plunging to emotional depths I never thought he was able to do and doing them with a real sense of soul. Pare still has the rugged good looks that made him a star in the Eighties, but it feels like, at least in the character he plays here, he really does understand what it is like to have it all and lose it.”

You can read the entire review HERE! So there you have it!  Back to the grind I go!

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