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New The Shelter review, audio interview and more!


Building up to THE SHELTER Sitges Screening, lots of Shelter related goodies have been popping up online. First we had new reviews by and This is Horror. Here are excerpts. “It reminded me a lot of the films of David Lynch and Roman Polanski and is just a very strong, intelligent character-driven piece that is sure to satisfy viewers. Pare does an excellent job bringing him (his character) to life. As a matter of fact I really couldn’t see anyone else playing the part as well as Pare did and he really shows just how talented of an actor he truly is with this performance.” –  You can read the whole review here!

This is Horror: “The Shelter is pretty much a one man vehicle for Michael Pare who is never anything but captivating as he owns the screen. It’s not easy to hold an audience’s attention for an entire movie, but the combinations of Pare’s experience as an actor and Fallon’s energy, vision and storytelling style  is both entrancing and intoxicating. For those who are prepared to engage with it The Shelter will run deep and resonate within for a long time after the credits have rolled.” – Read the entire review here!

Then DP Bobby Holbrook and I stopped by the WE CAME FROM THE BASEMENT show to talk about the shoot, post prod and beyond! Listen to it here! It made for a very candid and funny sit down.

Finally, swift QNA’s have been appearing on the official THE SHELTER BLOG. So far DP Bobby Holbrook, producer Donny Broussard and actresses Rachel Whittle and Amy Wickenheiser have been covered! Click the names to read the chats!

And that’s it for now! On my end, I am now prepping for Spain as it’s around the corner (October 9 baby), we’re trying to lock distribution for the film, am submitting the flick to more Festivals and at the same I am hustling to get my next film off the ground. Lots of work, lots of actions, won’t stop till I get the wanted reactions. Peace, love and God bless! JF

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